Monday, December 30, 2019

The Catalyst of Sex and Human Trafficking in our society.

As homelessness increases in our society and we are seeing younger and younger teens starting to become homeless. The act of Human and sexual exploitation has become prevalent in this day and age. Unfortunately, criminals have become bolder even kidnapping children from the arms of their mothers. The acts of sexual exploiting, child sex trafficking and forced labor plus prostitution have become such a commodity they will go so far as to do it in plain sight, no matter the consequences.

Such acts of vulgarity and indecency we have allowed and turned a deaf ear, eye, and closed mouth to it for so many years that we ourselves have become desensitized to the mear acts of impertinence by a criminal. This 8-year old little girl was literally walking in daylight with her mother and was snatched by her assailant from her mother's arm. Thank goodness to her neighbor's Ring that caught everything that happened, and the community and officers that leaped into action. But what about the things that are not seen and the children still out there. In a study conducted by the University of New Hampshire, it states:
"An estimated 105 children were victims of stereotypical kidnappings in 2011, virtually the same as the 1997 estimate. Most kidnappings involved the use of force or threats, and about three in five victims were sexually assaulted, abused, or exploited. Victims were, most commonly, ages 12 to 17, girls, white, and living in situations other than with two biological or adoptive parents. Half of all stereotypical kidnappings in 2011 were sexually motivated crimes against adolescent girls."
   You think, things that are hidden in the dark are best kept in the dark until it happens to one of our children. We must expose inhumane factors of human trafficking and child trafficking once and for all. BE A VOICE FOR THE VOICELESS, SPEAK UP!
If you see something
and call the 

Monday, August 5, 2019

Let's End Violence Together...Let's Rally for Domestic Violence

So excited about the new shirts for the Domestic Violence Rally at the Washington DC Capitol. We will be marching from the Capitol to Martin Luther King Memorial- October.1st, 2019 from 9:30am - 1:30pm. Check out our website to get more information and to RSVP. But please don't forget to find your individual states and get connected for your state VIGILS and march on Facebook. 
The original group is = Domestic Violence Rally 2019 group, but each state has there own group and their own opportunities for volunteering, vigil, and march sites. There is also a Domestic Violence Rally 2019 Page for you to join and become part of a great movement in your area. 

If you are looking for your state, please type it in as :

Tennessee Domestic Violence Rally 2019 Group

Once you get connected to your own group, you will know all about the group's information and its vigils. This will give you great announcements to all things going on within your group and your state. In addition, you will make great relationships about the issues of Domestic Violence and can understand these particular issues going on in your state.  You will have an opportunity to meet your Director's and get first-hand feedback about the march, conferences and special events in your area. 
We hope you will stop by and visit us at and get to know our site and each vigil march more. 
Only together can we stop DOMESTIC VIOLENCE.
#passallDVlaws #EndDVEndHate #DVRally2019 #Brittanyslaw

Starting at $18.99 and up  

Please click this link to purchase

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The True Visual Effects of Abuse

We never know the actual trauma and exact effects of abuse. It can hide in the darkest corners of your nearest neighborhood, your mayor's office, down the street at your local bar or even at your local church. Yes, violence can disguise itself in many shapes, many people, many experiences, and many opportunities. But let's be clear Abuse and Violence has no bias, it does not discriminate. It doesn't care of your age, your gender, your status, your political affiliation, your race, your religion, or your economic status. Violence is just Violence, it just plain hates, no matter the appearance of it. If we look at humanity throughout the ages, we can see that we have transformed ourself. We as humans have evolved into a species that has grasped the evolution of hatred and malice. And although there are particular occasions that we can show great feet of good loving kindness. We are starting to lose the inability to feel the basic instincts of great compassion. Sometimes, our mandate of un-remorseable lawlessness to appease our generation is stronger than that of human kindness. We make excuses for killing babies, we make excuses for sodomy and rapist and call them, "morally upright and law-abiding in life."
We even question the morality of the structure of human decency in the sanctity of marriages, families, the care of social equality and the treatment of each person principles. It has gotten necessary and disgusting that human life has taken a back seat because we like to use morality as the basis of our own platforms. Although, we see crying children, helpless mothers, gun violence, racial tension, religious divide, political indifferences, and human biases. I believe if we cannot take a grasp on these personal divides and agendas, we will never be able to take a hold on the issues of Domestic Violence. Ever. And the Issues of childhood trauma, suicide, and sexual trafficking; these issues are more significant than one group, one nation, and one person can undertake. We need personal deliverance and a personal manifestation of healing to this country like never before.
Martin Luther King said it best when he said,
The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, 
begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy.
Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it.
Through violence, you may murder the liar,
but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth.
Through violence, you may murder the hater,
but you do not murder hate.
In fact, violence merely increases hate.
So it goes.
Returning violence for violence multiplies violence,
adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness:
only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."

I got a fantastic opportunity to work with a great photographer in Connecticut  Nikki Lyn Amatruda, and her excellent work with the models and makeup artist in Connecticut for the Intimate Partner Violence PSA calendar,
I do have to warn you some pictures are very explicit in nature, so I AM PLACING A WARNING to anyone because of the graphic quality.  But what surprised me was the tenacity, the love, and compassion all these women and how they loved one another. I was touched by the loving kindness that each woman had for one another and how they reach out to share their stories. It really places this PSA at a particular moment in time to let the world know of what they faced. Many of them years before, many of them months earlier, and many of them just a couple of weeks, but we all can attest this is a time capsule of pain. Knowing that this pain is no longer available but tucked away until needed for our next advocacy moment. They were strong and purely spectacular women. I am so thankful to have known each and every one of them. If you get an opportunity please stop and check out Nikki's closer images online and many of these amazing women. I hope you will become part of the fantastic Domestic Violence Rally Movement. It has not been easy, but each voice together can mean a grand scale of a collective movement to show peoples stories. This Vigil in each state will show that we are going to seize anonymity and complacency and choose to stand for what is right and what is RIGHTEOUS.

God bless and stay safe in America.

                                                 PHOTOS BY   Nikki Lyn Amatruda
                                                                              Click the link to view larger photos.








Thursday, May 2, 2019

Why is Abuse so taboo in Christian society?

Let me begin this blog post by saying that I love being a Christian and love my relationship with my heavenly Father and the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross for me. Just so that we can set the record straight that by looking at the title above anyone doesn't misunderstand my love for my heavenly Father. Sometimes we can be most of our lives in the church, in Sunday school, reading our bible and interpret the word of God totally and completely wrong. As I began my walk with my ex-husband many years ago, I found out that I always wanted to submit to him and to the word of God and wanted very much to make the word of God work in our marriage. Instead of vice-versa making the word of God work in me so that it would be an example and it would flow into my marriage. As I prayed, I began to see a pattern in my husband that began with emotional tendencies of emotional abuse and verbal abuse that manifested into physical violence. Since I have always been a people pleaser, I wanted nothing more than to please him and make my Heavenly Father in heaven happy. I never wanted a divorce, but as things got worst, I found myself fighting through bruises and pain to stay with him, and I brought my son into such deep and painful agony. Indeed these are things that I have felt such condemnation over, but I had to learn to release and finally learned to forgive myself and my abusers. Yes, you read those right abusers! See I fell into the same pattern most women fall into with both my 1st son and then my second son. Any them now redeemed and learn through wisdom and knowledge of behaviours and tendencies. I  am FREE, in a beautiful marriage now full of promise and love. But I learned the patterns of abuse and what never to get into again. I realised that I am worthy,  that a relationship is not about 50/50 but 100/100 each putting in their equal amount to love and to be loved, that each much talk and communicate and no partner must make the other feel like the other is less.  That we are like-minded and sympathetic1 Peter 3: 8, not paying back evil for evil or insulting one another - 1 Peter 3:9, for such, is the blessing of God. And that if we do good to our partners and love them, we would speak and do good to them especially if we want good days - 1 Peter 3:10. And we must talk peacefully and walk peacefully and pursue it- 1 Peter 3:11. Because the eyes of God are on the righteous and on those who do what is right and good in his sight - 1 Peter 3:12. See I always kept look at 1 Peter 3:1 that I should submit to my husband but never read on. I always thought, "WELL THOSE ARE MY CONDITIONS I BETTER DO THEM!!" but real men have so much more to they are to abide by. 1 Peter 3:7 


1 Peter 3:7 In the same way, you husbands must give honor to your wives. Treat your wife with understanding as you live together. She may be weaker than you are, but she is your equal partner in God’s gift of new life. Treat her as you should so your prayers will not be hindered.

The word Honor means-high respect; high esteem. Adherence to what is right or to a conventional standard of conduct. regard with great respect.fulfill (an obligation) or keep (an agreement).<
The word Understanding (greek gnōsis) means- sympathetic awareness or tolerance, sympathetically aware of other people's feelings; tolerant and forgiving. Strongs - knowledge signifies in general intelligence, understanding
  1. the general knowledge of Christian religion
  2. the deeper more perfect and enlarged knowledge of this religion, such as belongs to the more advanced
  3. esp. of things lawful and unlawful for Christians
  4. moral wisdom, such as is seen in right living
The word NEW LIFE-  Gen 2:7
Then the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into the man's nostrils, and the man became a living person.

I would never want anyone's prayers to be hindered let alone my own, but I honestly felt a sense of dread to know I might be off with the Father. I wanted us blessed and our life blessed but the moment that he laid his hands on my body he broke that initial covenant with God. says, "The Hebrew word for "oath" is "shevah," meaning "to seven oneself" (In Gen 21:27 31, Abraham makes a treaty with Abimelech using seven ewe lambs, and they called the place "Beersheva," which means, "the place of the oath" or "the well of the sevens.")
If you don't have an oath, you don't have a covenant.
Another Hebrew word for oath is "I raise my hand" (See Deut 32:40ff). When we raise our hands in worship, for example, we are swearing an oath. We lift up God's name when we invoke God's name in an oath."

So we are invoking and swearing our marriage and giving it life but once we harm each other we break that oath, we break that covenant; especially when we do bodily, mental, emotional or spiritual harm. That is not to say God cannot fix what is not broken that is not true HE CAN DO MIRACLES...HE IS THE GOD OF MIRACLES. But, please do not stay through the bruises and pain; sometimes the door is opening to let you go through so that God can fix the issues with your significant other and make things better with you and your family. Trust me I would never want families broken, but God wants you better, your significant other better, your children happy and He wants to be satisfied with the outcome. Let him do the work, and he will work it out.  But for now, if you are going through something and you need help, please call a pastor, a leader or the Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)