Hello everyone as we progress with the virtual reality of this world and the GO-GO of the movement generation its becoming apparently clear that we all move so fast we lose touch with one another. Truly as I have with all of you I have lost touch and with that I must APOLOGIZE.
This world is a set of digits, numbers, sets and slides that we have forgotten what is really important to us (family, friends, co-workers, students, teachers, Pastors and those close to us).
Our children and even some of us live in such an imaginary state of mind with our phones, that all we do is look at what is next on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snap Chat, and little by little lose some of our humanity for one another. Our kids have become so numb to the world around them and totally incoherent to the noise of pain and suffering because all they have seen is pain, noise, violence and confusion! So all they know to do is cause more pain, more violence, more noise and definitely in their minds is confusion. They want to be caught in the middle of everything because they have been programmed by social media that, that is the cool thing to do and to be. If you are not hurting and to be hurt and being the center of attention and getting the most HITS on social media you're not the IT person!!
It has twisted our young people into victims of their own state of abusive delusion.
That delusion has set an abusive pattern that has set a stream of many videos of suicide, cyber-bullying, caught on tape fights in bathrooms, teachers hurt by students and vise versa, brawl fights with girls and boys and many unforeseen cry-outs by parents for children and about children. This world is crying out for our kids! So what are we parents to do?
Unfortunately until we gather together as a nation to protect one another and our loved ones this kind of behaviour will continue. We must love, talk and seek to help one another and notice the signs immediately...BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!!
IF- your child is the BULLIED or the BULLIER
IF- they are the ACCUSED or the 1 NEEDING HELP
IF- The they are LOVED or the 1 SEEKING to be LOVED
If you are in need of help, need someone to listen or having problems at home, school or anywhere