With such a beautiful day this Sunday morning, I woke up blessed and praying for many families who will be beginning the new school year tomorrow whether public, charter, private or homeschool to prepare their students for the new 2018 school year. This is going to be a great school year for every school age student, and as each student is being prepared by each parent or guardian to start the new school year with all the school supplies like: pencils, pens, paper, and erasers, let us not forget to remember all the wonderful new books that would be a great addition to their reading program. Each book is just as important of a supply for self awareness, reading comprehension, and to communicate effectively on issues that effect their day to day lives. These books are just as important as the every day materials in their arsenal of items in their bookbags, especially the once they use in their class rooms. These tools will increase in their knowledge of bulling and cyberbullying, and are just as important for connecting your child with his or her environment and for having and open and honest discussion about certain issues.
Some great additions would be:
Great book to build empathy. Anyone who has ever felt like an outsider because of their race, appearance, ability and more. Age 5+
Written about a young girl and her service dog. Writers are a couple who lost their legs in the Boston marathon bombing. Age 7+

Virgil sets out to visit a friend, runs into the school bully, and accidentally falls into a well, where visions of characters from Filipino folktales help him find a way out. Age 9+

Shy Stella often mixes up Spanish and English , and worries that she fit neither her Mexican nor her A.erican Heritage. Young readers will relate to Stella's struggles and triumphs as she finds her voice, her confidence, and new friends. Age 8+
All these wonderful books are quoted by the August & September 2018 issue of Parents magazine. These books have been approved and very popular with many parents and children on the parent magazine. Please visit www.parentsmagazine.com for more information and more book.
And as always enjoy the new school year!