Saturday, July 11, 2020

Being Separated, Together!

I know you probably look at this title and thought to yourself, am I in a TWILIGHT ZONE! But NO, let me reassure you, you are not! This traumatic time has caused a great division, but it has also created a heightened awareness in people as they continue to get to know themselves and others deeply. They now want to enjoy more quality time with their families and even want to reach out to others.

Although we feel a sense of separation and divide, we are trying to make an effort to call more, reach out a little more, and text more. We are more conscientious to the inclusivity in each other's thoughts, lives, and emotions. Since Covid-19, we have addressed mental health more than ever before. These open doors of opportunities and reflections have given way to come closer and help people have a free openness to their Faith. Since this spiritual awakening and prayer language has begun, many have gotten closer to each other. This environment has sparked the timing of our activities to be closer not only to our fellow Christians virtually but also to our Father in Heaven.  This has also fostered the growth of love in redirecting our focus to be more inclusive to others, regardless of their Faith. And also have a deep respect and profound way of thinking for others in theirs. Embracing these thought patterns and activities can lead the way for growth and love in all our lives. And involving our families and children will continue a thought pattern of healthy emotional involvement that will continue even after Covid-19. It continues to set a model for sustainable healthy language regardless of what we see or hear in the news or our environment. This, of course, has spurned reactive osmosis on how our thought patterns are either negative or positive in our daily lives and can be negative or positive in our day to day activities.
Yes, these times can be challenging to control, but reaching out and fellowshipping with colleagues, friends, and family can be a catalyst to your self-awareness of hope, compassion, understanding, and of course, loving-kindness for others and even yourself. Take time to reflect and see how our Father's love and/or the love of your Faith can make an impact in your daily life. Reach out to prove that fostering loving-kindness through the  Father or your Faith no matter what the circumstance is, can be the most effective natural alternative to lifestyle coping mechanisms. Through these mechanisms, it can enhance your coping skills with family, friends, and colleagues.

I am inspired and blessed to be surrounded by women who give me hope, love, and compassion during Covid-19. Remember, give yourself time to reflect and show yourself to be inspired and flourish. God has always placed a ram in the bush, reach out to one, and God will show you many